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Battle Race Tournament

3rd August 2013, 10:00     #RopersHeaven
Hosted by: LeTotalKiller
Download WSC Scheme Info Get Maps





• 1 worm per player
• Games are best of 1
• S2F - Start to Finish

(Description originally by Balee.)

- Use the scheme provided.
- Use a valid Battle Race map. If you host, your opponent can veto your choice of map and ask for a different or simpler one. Note that if you light up, it means you accepted the offered map, no second thoughts.
- You may block (although no permanent blocks!) your opponent, you may attack your opponent, you may slow down your opponent any ways possible - unless agreed differently (e.g. if players agree on using /racingstuff or /boomracing). However, you can not plop your opponent. If you do, you lose.
- If you plop your own worm, you lose, no rematch - unless agreed differently.
- Skipwalking isn't allowed.
- In case of a draw, ask the moderator what to do.
- In case SD kicks in, the game ends when both players completed their turn - meaning if Player A started, then the game ends when Player A's turn *begins* for the first time after SD. The player who proceeded the farthest wins. In case of a questionable state, ask the moderator.
- If your opponent doesn't show up or is unresponsive 10 minutes after your pairing was announced - according to the moderator's clock -, you proceed to the next round.

Tournament Results [show maps]

Medal points have been nullified. Reason: not enough players.

Medal points multiplier for the new system: x 0 (6 players)


Round 1 Final Round






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